Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2nd Ultrasound

Well the baby is coming along! At our last ultrasound the baby was 1 week behind in growth. Now, our baby is 2 days behind in growth. So, it's catching up to speed. Today's ultrasound was to measure our risk for Down's Syndrome, some heart defects, and other chromosomal defects. This is an optional test that Chris and I decided we wanted to go through. Not that it would change our mind on having the child but it would allow us to prepare for a different lifestyle than expected. This test takes about a month to get back completely however, one of the BIG factors is the neck fat of the baby. The measurement at which point the doctor's have concern and begin doing additional testing is when it measures at 3. Our baby's neck fat measured at 1.3; therefore, the doctor was very optimistic about the rare likelihood that our risk factor would be high. He felt like with that low of a number that we should feel fairly confident in the risk percentage. If you compare the pictures of this stage of the baby compared to the last photos our baby looks less like a rodent and more like a BABY!!! This has been such an exciting experience.

The past couple of weeks have been pretty good. The all-day sickness continued until just this past week or so but thank goodness I'm very blessed I never actually got sick. Just felt like it! Now I'm feeling GOOD!! I feel like maybe too good. I've gotten my energy levels back, I feel good to eat, I'm back to exercising, and my moodiness has seemed to tone down (Chris may not agree with the last comment).

We find out the sex on July 12th! That will be the next big post. We will also know the final risk likelihood for the baby at that point too. Look for a big post on that day! We plan on getting a 3d and 4d ultrasound performed in August. Thank you for all of your continued support! Love you all!

The heartbeat is down at the bottom. The baby is tilted with its head lower down to the diagonal right while it's feet are up towards the diagonal left.

Here's the baby's profile. So, who does it look like Chris or me?? The baby is looking up. See it's chin, nose, and eye sockets?

Here's the baby laying very similarly to the 1st ultrasound. It's head is to the right and it's laying on it's back.

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